Thomas I. Shannon, Pastor
Weekly Bible Study
for Wednesday
Night Bible Study
Or Dial In:1-646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 853 9714 1178
Online Giving

Appalachee Shoals
Missionary Baptist Church
Thomas Shannon, Pastor
Join Us Today!
At Appalachee Shoals Baptist Church, we offer a variety of services that are catered to suit your needs.
We have service options that are age-appropriate and are suitable for everyone. Take a look at our schedule, and don’t miss out on our next service.

Sunday -9:00 am
Morning Service Every Sunday 10:00am

Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Use the Zoom link above to join us.
Who We Are
Appalachee Shoals Baptist Church ministers to the community through fellowship, outreach programs, volunteering, and education.
Our Mission
Appalachee Shoals Baptist Church has the honor of connecting people to God, Jesus Christ, and to one another in a loving and caring setting. It is our mission to empower our community to become disciples of God by learning the gospels and practicing his word.
The word “church” originates from the word “gathering” or “to gather”. This is why we so strongly cling to the notion that the church is not a building or a structure, but rather, the church is actually the believers themselves. We aim to maintain and foster a comfortable environment for our congregation to gather, build relationships, demonstrate love and share their knowledge. We believe that the Lord Almighty rewards those who take time out of each day to show their gratitude through prayer and spirituality.