Bless the Lord

Psalms 34
I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
In life we find ourselves being conditional praisers. We praise God when things are easy. We praise God when we are in church or we may just praise God when we need him to deliver us. As Children of the most high God we must praise God in all times of our lives. Praising God becomes who we are and not something we do when we feel the need to.
Praising God draws us closer to Him and it allows him to dwell within us. Scripture tells us He inhabits the praise of his people. When we praise him we are inviting him into out lives. We are saying God I want you here with me. When we begin to Praise God we are truly magnifying him! When something is magnified it becomes enlarged and it takes the place of everything around us. As you go through your week begin to Bless the Lord. Give praises unto His name, be thankful unto Him. Blessing God and magnifying him invites him to work on your behalf and you will find a difference in your life.
Be Blessed!
Pray this Pray
Father I magnify you in my life. I make you first in all that I do. Help me to praise you in all things good and the bad. I want to praise you more and more. You are an Holy God you are a Mighty God you are an Awesome God. I love you and I bless your name.